

Before Stacy’s Transformation

"Diet Challenges- Commercials on tv were the worst, advertising all the bad stuff- I excused this with after the show you can indulge a bit. However, after the show, I came so far I wasn't going back. Eating the same two proteins Chicken and pork initially. Due to my Epstein Barr, I go in and out of food allergies. I have been allergic to shellfish since childbirth and most fish create a trauma response due to an allergic reaction I had as a child - let's just say an epi-pen would have been great then. I love beef but it isn't very lean, we added that back into the mix of proteins and choose a lean beef of 90/10.

Giving up dairy was probably the hardest restriction I had...I had to give up my latte in the morning. Black coffee isn't my gig. None of this allowed for competition training, and since we were in a time crunch we couldn't allow it during the last two months before the show. I did it. I lost 15% body fat in 6 months. It was an incredible transformation.

I also avoided the end of the produce aisle during the entire competition training. This is the place where they try to hook the people trying to make good changes in their diet...remember this. When I would engage in sugary sweet snacks I could watch my inflammation markers thru my blood work, and they go thru the roof high."

Stacy Modeer —- Read Her Story

“I have always exercised and even most of my professions have been very active and physical.

I was a massage therapist for 26 years. I had an accident with my right shoulder in 2017 while lugging my massage equipment into a client's house. The bag was too heavy and I tore my shoulder taking it out of my car. So not only was I not able to exercise, but I was also unable to do my physical job which burned a lot of calories. I was off work for 9 months and never fully returned- this was the end of my massage career and very stressful. I started eating unhealthy as well, stress eating, sweets, and sugary treats. My autoimmune disorder (Epstein Barr) flared up as well as a result. My inflammation was off the charts, I had to do something. So I thought a competition would be something to work towards. I jumped right in... I committed to intense exercise and a very restricted diet. Believe it or not, I was stage ready in 6 months. Training started in October 2018 and ended in March 2019.

I started seeing changes pretty quickly. I fell off the diet, little stumble then got back on and never looked back. Well, I did look back... at all my progress! I did weekly photo check-ins with my trainer to keep me accountable, and to make necessary changes to meal plans or training.

I started sleeping better, thinking clearer, and stopped craving carbs and sugary snacks. I was so full at the end of the day I didn't cheat anymore, my plan was sustaining me. I saw the goal.

My challenges were being older, and post-menopausal, so it was harder to build muscle at first, but we figured that out too. After that, I made all the challenges, and the fuel to achieve my goal."

Stacy After Her Transformation

“Excess sugar puts you in insulin resistance and dairy can alter your hormones in a bad way due to hormones in cow producing the milk. When I cleaned up my diet my markers went back into the normal ranges. I was so pleased with my journey, but the key was being disciplined with diet and exercise, and also being driven towards my goal. Always have a goal, even if it's to just be better than yesterday. I also quit drinking beer... I wasn't a heavy drinker 2 per week maybe, but it still helped me get so lean in such a short time.

I have done another competition since my first two shows and we met last. I was coming off neck surgery in 2020 so AGAIN had to refrain from exercise. The surgery was unsuccessful in relieving my neck pain. I am actively seeking ways to heal this injury without having another surgery. The neck issue causes my workouts to be inconsistent based on pain levels. We are currently developing a strength and stability program to help my neck injury. I am the test monkey. LoL. During my last competition in 2021, I tried doing only the keto diet and it was a huge fail. I was also trying to just do intermittent fasting as well, but needed the carbs to look plump in my muscles- I came in really flat and it was a big fail. I competed with my best friend from Missouri so that was a blast. I like to experiment with different diets, hormone ratios, etc. Our bodies are constantly changing, I think changing things around can bring big improvements- muscle memory is all over our bodies. I have done 3 competitions 2 in 2018 and one in 2021. I took second in my first show in Tucson and 6th in the big show in Phoenix. I didn't place in the last one...wasn't ready but I wasn't quitting either. I love to compete and be on stage showing off my hard work. Posing is very hard and it stresses out my spine due to scoliosis. (more massage therapy repetitive motion injury). I have a lot of medical things going on, and I can sit on the sofa and do drugs for pain, or I can try to strengthen my injuries and feel better naturally. I also want to add if you are someone who has arthritis sugary snacks will make your joints ache so bad. It's really not worth it. Stick to fruit if you need a sweet craving fulfilled or just avoid it entirely.”

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